And I can't wait. I love the light evenings; one of the great pleasures of living in England is the gentle extension of sunset from 3pm in the darkest dark of winter towards 11pm in sweetest midsummer. This mid-progress leap is my favourite bit. And with daffodils and buds bursting all around on my cycle to the studio, and the prospect of forgetting about bike lights for 6 months I'm getting increasingly excited about spring.
We're also bursting with productivity in the studio. Helen has made all of the forms for the two exhibitions coming up and is well underway in the process of decorating.
Helen's series of little pots for Ceramic Art London in progress
Alongside, we've been planning the logistical and marketing sides of the show, have been developing a new 'logotype' for Helen for use on our marketing materials and on the exhibition display. We've explored packaging options and have settled on a combination of some beautiful tissue paper and a Japanese paper to wrap them in. You'll have to come and buy a pot to see it though!
My focus has been on making some cups for my mum and also for Adopt A Potter, the charity that support me, to sell at their fairs this summer. The main challenge being consistent size and shape - as you can see I don't quite have the consistent height thing down yet...
I'm also making some espresso cups for a friend and in doing so experimenting with size and a new 'dip' decorative style.
My big news though, is that I got into Ceramic Art York in September! I'm so excited to be involved in my first ceramics show, though I am not a little bit daunted. Once all the cups are done, development for that will start in earnest, as well as preparations for our open studio in May.