Winter does seem to be well and truly here doesn’t it?
It feels especially damp right now, and damp is not really the potter’s friend. It amazes me every year, how much longer things take to dry in this weather. I left some mugs completely uncovered over the weekend and they’re not much drier than when I left them two days ago… So I’ll be bringing some work into the house to dry this week.
I’ve mostly been making mugs and espresso cups lately, having totally run out, which means a lot of trimming and applying handles. It’s a simple, methodical process, and a combination of throwing and hand building, which I really enjoy. There’s an argument to say that I should stop making mugs because they are so time consuming and it’s hard to charge enough for them, but I enjoy making them so I’m keeping on for now!
The pressure is starting to gather now for my next show, which is is Handmade in Highgate on the first weekend of December. Unfortunately it clashes with my son’s birthday so I’m going to have a representative on my stand on Saturday 2nd, but I’m looking forward to being at the show for the rest of the time.
But that is my only winter show and I’m realising that I have probably under-committed myself in terms of in-person shows this year, so next year I hope to fit a few more in. However I will have to plan very carefully how and when to make enough work since that is my current issue that I’m desperately trying to fill my shelves!!